2020 IMA Global Salary Survey – US CMA salary in India | Uplift Professionals
Are you a finance professional wondering about the US CMA salary range of an US CMA ? The 2020 IMA Global Salary Survey collected data from over 4,000 IMA members in 80 different countries. This year, 47.6% of the responses come from China, 28.1% from the United States, 4% from the United Arab Emirates, and the remaining 20.3% were split among the remaining 77 countries.
The figure below from IMA represents the median income for countries with at least 1% of survey responses.
Positions held by US CMA/CMA s
Across respondents, all sizes of organizations were represented equally. Respondents from organizations with 99 or fewer employees represent 24.2%, respondents from companies with 100 to 499 employees make up 25.7%, 27.3% are employed with organizations with 500 to 4,999 people, and 22.7% work for companies with 5,000 or more employees.
This reporting shows that US CMA/CMAs are valued for their expertise in any size organization and at every level. Over 70% of respondents agree that achieving the CMA provides them with career opportunities.
US CMA/CMAs ages 20-29 who also hold senior management positions reported earning 100% to 107% more than their uncertified peers in median salary and total compensation, respectively.
This shows that even for younger accountants, the US CMA course/ CMA is a worthy investment that not only increases earnings but provides opportunities for advancement. In fact, of the respondents who hold top management or senior management positions, a majority are CMAs.
US CMA/CMAs are also more likely to hold specific prestigious positions such as CFO, Controller, Director of Financial Planning and Analysis, and Senior Financial Analyst. Over 60% of the respondents who held these positions were CMAs.
Median CMA salary by region
Across all management levels, US CMA salary is more than their peers, especially in senior management positions, where they make as high as 58% more in total compensation.
Gender pay gap among CMAs
In the 2020 IMA Salary Report, 50% of all respondents were women. This is up by 10% compared to the 2019 report, leading to larger variations in the wage gap reported. The Americas remained mostly unchanged with a total salary gap of 86%. The Middle East/Africa/India region (MEAI) had the highest increase at 22%. However, Europe and Asia increased only slightly by 7% and 3%, respectively.
The good news is that younger accountants are continuing to start their careers on relatively equal footing regardless of gender, while the older age groups still show the highest disparities in pay. This is especially true in the MEAI region, where the total compensation for women was actually 62% higher than men in the 20-29 age group, while those ages 40-49 made 59% less than men.
With the recent spike of entry-level women CMAs, we can expect the gender wage gap to slowly decrease as they rise within their respective organizations.
Choose the best US CMA institute in India, Africa, and Middle East – Uplift Pro
Uplift Pro is one of the top training institutes for the US CPA, US CMA, US CIA courses in India, Africa, and Middle East. Uplift Pro is also an Indian partner of GLEIM, US and an IMA US authorized CMA US study center.
Our team consists of seasoned professionals and entrepreneurs from IIEST, IITs, London Business School, and ULCA who have decided to provide a strong back to young ambitious students and professionals to reach their desired career destinations in an organized way.
Some of our exclusive features include
A. Authorized partner of IMA US CMA course in India
B. Live online classes ensuring that the regular office working hours is least impacted
C. 1:1 personal support from our 30 plus years of experienced CMA certified faculties
D. Affordable US CMA course fees with special discount in your IMA fees.
E. “Till you pass” guarantee assuring that you may attend our live online classes at no extra cost until you pass
F. Comprehensive coverage of US CMA course details including authorizedGLEIM CMA study materials , class mock session, IMA registration and job assistance.
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